I am so very sorry that I have been so quiet here in blogland: I have been very busy. I’ve been working hard in my real life job and on a very exciting project in my creative life: I’m looking forward to sharing this with you very, very soon! Hopefully over the next few days and weeks, something like normality will return and I’ll be back here in blogland every week. Promise!
For now, here is the second part of my inspiration for 2016, which I started in in my last post.
Last week I showed you the work for the incredibly talented Sophie Digard, today I want to show you the work of another equally talented artist Michala Gyetvia…
Michala works by stitching threads onto felt; to produce the most amazing landscapes…
I treated myself to a copy of Michala’s exhibition catalogue, so that I can look back, again and again, for inspiration. Inside the catalogue you are treated to images from Michala’s sketch book…
This has really made me think. Should I be keeping a sketch book, to record my ideas? I am a massive fan of Pintrest: perhaps I should start keeping a sketch book to record my ideas r? Perhaps we are seeing the start of my New Year’s resolution….
Last Friday, I went on my annual trip to the Knitting and Stitching Show, in Harrogate, (yes I went last year,and the year before, and the year before) and as ever it was brilliant. The things that I loved most about the Knitting and Stitching Show, isn’t the shopping (although that was amazing) it is seeing the creativity of other artists. One artist that I was drawn to this year was Sophie Digard…
Sophie’s exhibition, hosted by Selvedge magazine, featured her amazing crochet. I thought that I’d take some photos for you lovelies so that you can see her amazing work…
The catalogue, which supported the exhibition, explained more about Sophie and her inspirations, I particularly loved the pages that showed the photographs next to the finished work…
Isn’t Sophie’s work just fabulous? It reminded me of the diversity of crochet, from Sophie’s delicate work through to Felieke Van Der Leest work that I featured a a few weeks ago..
It is a damp, dreary day, here is York. How is it with you? It is the type of day that my Grandma would have described as back-endish: it is definitely back-endish! Despite today, we have had a truly beautiful Autumn: the colours have been amazing and I have been lucky enough to spend lots of time outdoors wandering through Mother Nature’s most spectacular show. Of course I took my camera with me, so that I was able to share the beauty with you. I hope you find Autumn as inspirational as I do…
I know that some people find Autumn difficult, a season where the nights draw-in, days become shorter and the Earth prepares for her Winter sleep. For me it is a season, where I feel alive. I think it might be the farmer’s daughter in me coming-out. On the farm Autumn was a season of celebration and thanks-giving and looking forward to the new year, as seeds for the Spring crops were planted and plans were drawn-up for the coming year. Although I left the farm many years ag, somethings have defiantly stayed with me: my love of Autumn is one of them! I’d love to hear about your favourite season: with comment here or find me on Facebook HERE.
I went to Norway with the expectation that I would be blown away by the stunning scenery; the deep blue fjords, the tree covered hills and the snow-capped mountains. What I wasn’t quiet expecting was the inspiration that I would find in the colours of the buildings. The buildings reflect the colours found in nature, but they are so vivid, bright and alive. Naturally I took lots of photographs, so that I could colour match them to yarn and crochet myself something very special: and so that I could share them with you lovelies…
While I was in Norway, Si was indulgent enough to allow be to visit every yarn shop we passed. I am so glad he did. I fell completely and utterly in love with Dale Yarn. Dale is famous for its Norwegian jumpers, so naturally there produce the most amazing yarn. I didn’t bring any Dale yarn back to York with me, suitcase allowances and all-that, so my hunt is on to find some Dale yarn here in England…
It’s been a bit quiet here in blog-land, as I’ve been away. You’ll be hearing quite a lot about my time away over the next few weeks. I’m not going to apologise for telling you about my time away, I’ve had an amazing time and can’t wait to share some of it with you!
I want to start with the most amazing exhibition that I have ever visited. The exhibition featured crochet: in a way that I have never seen before. The exhibition was inspiration, fun, poignant, thought-provoking but most of all you walked around with a giant grin on your face.
The exhibition was at the Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum, which is the national museum of decorative arts and design, in Trondheim, Norway. The exhibition Into the Zoo featured work by the incredibly talented Felieke Van Der Leest . Felieke Van Der Leest combines plastic animals with precious metals and textile techniques, especially crochet, to create a zoo where humor and seriousness go hand in hand. The aim of her work is to appeal to both the inquisitive child and the playful adults: and it certainly did.
Want to see?
This is a small selection of Felieke Van Der Leest amazing creations on display. If you’re grinning like I was when I saw her work, I would recommend treating yourself to a copy of the exhibition book the Zoo of Life. The book has lots and lots of photographs of Felieke Van Der Leest’s work and also explains the thinking behind some of her creations. The book is a lovely memory of this amazing exhibition and will put a smile on your face!
Thank you for the staff at Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum who allow photographs (without flash) to be taken in the galleries! If this exhibition ever comes to your country, please, please, please, get yourself along!
Ok, so this post is going to be similar to the post I wrote you this time last year, and the year before and the year before and the year before! I’m not going to apologise: I just love, LOVE, L-O-V-E September. September, for me is the very best of all the months: there is still a hint of Summer in the air, but there is a twang of Autumn with cool mornings and dew on the ground. It is in September when Mother Nature buts on her very best show, the changing colours of the trees and the decaying seed heads that exploded like fireworks all over the garden. I thought I’d share some of those fireworks with you…
I hope you enjoy Autumn as much as I do? Let me know about your favourite season…
All photos were taken at Helmsley Walled Garden it’s well worth a visit if you’re in the area!
More wonderful, amazing, colour and quilts from the Ancestral Gifts exhibition at York’s Quilt Museum. The exhibition is curated by Kaffe Fassett and conjunction with The Quilters’ Guild Collection. Kaffe Fassett has taken quilts from the historic collection and used them as inspiration for designing his own quilts, using his own genius use of colour. I really hope some of you have been able to visit the exhibition: but just in case you haven’t…
I’ve had the morning off work, so I decided to visit The Quilt Museum in York. The Quilt Museum is one of my favourite museums in York. At the end of October the Museum will closes it’s doors for the last time, but before it does please make sure you pay it a visit. The exhibition that is one at the moment (running until 5th September) is a real show stopper. The exhibitionAncestral Gifts is curated by Kaffe Fassett and conjunction with The Quilters’ Guild Collection. Kaffe Fassett has taken quilts from the historic collection and used them as inspiration for designing his own quilts, using his own genius use of colour. The quilts hang in pairs, so that you can see how they work together. The museum is a a wash with colour, a feast for the eyes and your allowed to take photographs!
My photographs are substitute for visiting but if you can’t make it to York in the next few weeks they will (hopefully) give you an idea of the quality of the exhibition. So, here are a few of the picis that I took and I’ll share some more with you next week…
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