Let’s face it the weather isn’t exactly Christmassy at the moment, is it? In York, there isn’t even a hint of snow or that we might get a white Christmas. It does sometimes snow, in York, is then it looks even more beautiful than usual. I love snow, I love everything about it (well may be not the slushy stuff): what else can completely change the look, feel and sound of a place? I thought, I’d share with you a pattern for a snowflake, and then you can have your own snow garlands, for Christmas, no matter what the weather. You will need to white yarn, cotton is best, a suitable crochet hook, some water, rust-proof pins, pva glue, glitter and a board to block on. Ready? Good…
Start with 5ch, slst to join…

** 2dc, 3ch, 2dc ** six times, slst to join…

You should have six chsp...

Slst into 1st chsp. ** 2dc, 3ch, 2dc, slst into chsp **.,,

Repeat ** - ** in each chsp. Slst to join…

If you want to crochet a small snowflake, fasten off and weave in the ends. To crochet the larger snowflake…
** slst into 1st chsp. 1dc, 3ch, 1dc, 5ch, 1dc, 3ch, 1dc into chsp, 2ch **...

Repeat ** - ** into each chsp. slst to join…

Fasten off and weave in the ends. Your snowflake will probably need blocking.
Mix together pva glue and water (adding glitter for extra sparkle) and soak your snowflake for at least ten minutes. Squeeze out the excess liquid and block out on a board, covered with cling-film, using rust-proof pins...

You can use the snowflakes on your Christmas card, as tree decorations, as garlands, or how every you choose.
Happy crocheting…
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